Alabama is known for its diverse flora due to its humid subtropical climate. The state’s native plants have also been influenced by the Appalachian Mountains in the north and the Gulf of Mexico in the south. Here are some of the most popular plants in Alabama:
Azaleas are a beloved flowering shrub in Alabama, with spring and summer being their prime blooming season. Native to Asia, these plants were brought to the United States in the 18th century and have since become a staple of Southern gardens. There are several types of azaleas, including the evergreen and deciduous varieties that come in a range of colors from white to pink to red. They grow best in acidic well-draining soil and prefer partially shaded areas.
Crape myrtles are another popular ornamental tree in Alabama known for their showy summer blooms. These deciduous trees come in a variety of sizes and colors and can be planted in full sun or partial shade. They are hardy plants that can withstand Alabama’s hot and humid summers as well as some winter frost. Crape myrtles also have attractive bark that peels away in different layers, giving them year-round appeal.
American beautyberries are a native shrub to Alabama with distinct bright purple berries that are popular with birds. These deciduous shrubs grow between 3-6 feet tall and prefer partial shade with moist soil. Beautyberries bloom in the summer and early fall, with the berries ripening in late fall.
Southern magnolias are iconic trees in Alabama known for their large, glossy leaves and fragrant creamy-white flowers. These evergreen trees can grow up to 80 feet tall and require full sun with well-draining soil. It’s best to wait until late spring to plant a magnolia as the young trees are more susceptible to frost and cold temperatures.
Overall, Alabama’s warm and humid climate makes it an ideal place to grow a wide variety of plants. From the fragrant magnolia trees to the showy azaleas and crape myrtles, there is something for every type of gardener in Alabama.

The Most Popular Plants in Alabama (Factsheet)
Plant Name | Scientific Name | Height | Uses |
Azalea | Rhododendron spp. | 3-10 feet | Ornamental plant |
Black-eyed Susan | Rudbeckia hirta | 1-3 feet | Ornamental plant, medicinal herb |
Butterfly weed | Asclepias tuberosa | 1-2 feet | Ornamental plant, attracts butterflies and pollinators |
Dogwood | Cornus florida | 20-40 feet | Ornamental tree |
Pitcher plant | Sarracenia spp. | 1-3 feet | Carnivorous plant, ornamental plant |
Sweetgum | Liquidambar styraciflua | 60-100 feet | Ornamental tree, source of resin for varnish |
For those interested in learning more about the most popular plants in Alabama, here are some great resources to explore:
- Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources – Trees of Alabama: This webpage provides comprehensive information on the tree species that are native to Alabama, including descriptions, photographs, and range maps.
- University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture – Plant of the Week: While this resource is not specific to Alabama, it offers weekly highlights of various plants, including some that are frequently found in Alabama gardens and landscapes.
- US Department of Agriculture Forest Service – Wildflowers of Alabama: This webpage features an extensive list of wildflower species that can be found in Alabama’s forests, including photographs and habitat information.
- – Top Ten Trees to Plant in Alabama: For those looking to add a new tree to their Alabama garden or landscape, this guide provides a list of popular and recommended species.
- Birmingham Gardening Today – Year of Alabama Gardens: This article highlights the plants and trees that will be featured during Alabama’s “Year of Alabama Gardens” celebration, with information on each species and its significance to the state.
For further reading materials on the subject of Popular Plants, we recommend utilizing the aforementioned websites and references.