Common Parking Spot Dimensions


Parking spots come in various sizes, and it largely depends on the type of vehicle they are designed to accommodate. The standard size for a parking spot in the United States is typically 9 feet wide by 18 feet long, but this can vary slightly from state to state and even from municipality to municipality.

  • Compact Cars: For compact cars such as a Fiat 500 or Honda Fit, a parking spot size of 8 feet wide by 16 feet long would suffice.
  • Sedans: The majority of parking spots are designed to accommodate medium-sized cars, such as sedans. These spots are usually 9 feet wide and 18 feet long.
  • Pickup Trucks and SUVs: Larger vehicles like pickup trucks and SUVs require a more spacious parking spot, typically 10-11 feet wide and 20-24 feet long.
  • Disabled Parking Spot: To make disabled people’s lives easier, there are also specific spots dedicated to them that are wider than the standard parking spots. Their dimension should be at least 8 feet wide, with an adjacent space of 5 feet on the passenger side, for unobstructed wheelchair access.

It’s important to note that not all parking spots are the same. Some spots may have pillars or other obstructions that make it more difficult to park. Additionally, size may also vary in parking garages due to design considerations or available space. It’s always a good idea to check signage or ask a parking attendant about the dimensions of a particular spot before attempting to park your vehicle.

Dimensions of Parking Spot

Parking Spot Dimensions & Sizes

Type Common Sizes Dimensions
Parallel Parking Spot 8-9 ft wide, 22-24 ft long Minimum width 7.5 ft, Minimum length 20 ft
Angled Parking Spot 8-10 ft wide, 15-18 ft long Minimum width 7.5-8 ft, Minimum length 15 ft
Perpendicular Parking Spot 8-9 ft wide, 18-20 ft long Minimum width 8 ft, Minimum length 18 ft
Compact Parking Spot 7.5 ft wide, 12-15 ft long Minimum width 6-6.5 ft, Minimum length 12 ft

Guide to Parking Spot: References and Resources

There are several resources available online that provide detailed information about parking spot dimensions. Here are a few references that you may find helpful:

  • The ADA Standards for Accessible Design provides guidelines for parking space dimensions, including minimum and maximum dimensions for accessible spaces and van spaces.
  • The Canadian Building Code also sets standards for parking space dimensions, including requirements for width, length, and clearances.
  • The municipal codes for your city or state may provide more specific information about parking space dimensions and requirements for different types of parking lots (e.g. residential, commercial, etc.).

In addition to these resources, you may also want to consult with a licensed professional (such as an architect or engineer) who can provide personalized recommendations based on your specific needs and requirements.

If you’d like to delve deeper into the topic of Dimensions, we encourage you to utilize our search feature in KOBI International or visit the official websites and references for accessing relevant materials.

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