Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Presidential Genesis: The First to Lead


Alija Izetbegović was the first President of Bosnia and Herzegovina, serving from 1990 until his death in 2003.

Background and History:

  • Born on August 8, 1925, in Bosanski Samac, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Studied law at the University of Sarajevo but was expelled due to his political activities.
  • Imprisoned by the Communist authorities on multiple occasions for his political beliefs.
  • Co-founded the Party of Democratic Action (SDA), a Bosniak nationalist party, in 1990.


  • Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim).

Achievements and Legacy:

  • Led Bosnia and Herzegovina to independence from Yugoslavia in 1992.
  • Served as President during the Bosnian War (1992-1995), a conflict that resulted in the deaths of over 100,000 people.
  • Signed the Dayton Agreement in 1995, which ended the Bosnian War and established a new political structure for the country.
  • Remained President until his death in 2003, helping to rebuild the country after the war.

Popular Perception:

  • Considered a hero by many Bosniaks for his role in leading the country to independence and defending it during the war.
  • Criticized by some for his authoritarian leadership style and his close relationship with the Islamic world.

Famous Quote:

  • “We will not be defeated because we have the right on our side.”

Emblem of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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The official residence and symbol of the Bosnia and Herzegovina President

10 Iconic Presidents Who Shaped Bosnia and Herzegovina’s History

The President's Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The President’s Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina, a country located in the Balkan Peninsula, has had several influential presidents throughout its history. These presidents have played significant roles in shaping the country and representing its interests on both national and international platforms. Here are 10 of the most popular presidents from Bosnia and Herzegovina:

  • Alija Izetbegovic: Serving as the first President of Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1992 to 1996, Izetbegovic played a crucial role during the Bosnian War and the establishment of Bosnia and Herzegovina as an independent state.
  • Dragan Covic: As the President of the Croat Democratic Union from 2005 to 2019, Covic contributed to resolving political issues between ethnic groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Bakir Izetbegovic: The son of Alija Izetbegovic, Bakir Izetbegovic served as the Bosniak representative on the presidency from 2010 to 2018. He played a key role in strengthening the position of Bosniaks in the country.
  • Milorad Dodik: Serving as the Serb representative on the presidency since 2018, Dodik has been influential in advocating for the interests of the Republika Srpska, the Serbian entity within Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Haris Silajdzic: Silajdzic served as the Bosniak member of the presidency from 1996 to 2000 and again from 2006 to 2010. He actively sought international support for Bosnia and Herzegovina during times of political instability.
  • Zeljko Komsic: Serving as the Croat member of the presidency since 2018, Komsic has been focused on addressing issues related to the country’s EU integration and strengthening cooperation with neighboring countries.
  • Borislav Paravac: As the Bosniak member of the presidency from 1996 to 2000, Paravac contributed to the country’s post-war reconstruction and reconciliation efforts.
  • Nebojsa Radmanovic: Serving as the Serb member of the presidency from 2006 to 2014, Radmanovic actively promoted the interests of the Serb population within Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Fahrudin Radoncic: As the Chairman of the Alliance for a Better Future of Bosnia and Herzegovina since 2009, Radoncic has been actively involved in combating corruption and organized crime within the country.
  • Mladen Ivanic: Ivanic served as the Croat member of the presidency from 2014 to 2018, focusing on strengthening ties with neighboring countries and promoting regional cooperation.

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